Mar 14, 2016

Midterm Pre-Production

For my midterm I've decided to make a chessboard. Since this assignment is heavy on modeling and relatively light on animation, I figured making a chessboard with all the pieces would be a good idea and would let me practice modeling more. I also know what a chessboard and pieces look like, so I don't have to do too too much research before I start modeling.

I'm trying to base my chess board and pieces off of the ones in this image:
I'm using these specific images as references:





I already have the rook modeled from last week's assignment (see a few posts below), so that's two pieces out of the way already.

I needed a refresher on using the CV curve tool and the Revolve tool, so this video was pretty helpful. It also pointed out using a reference image, which I had never thought of but is obviously really helpful.
I ended up using several tutorials and help pages during this assignment, including: