Apr 29, 2016

Dev Blog Entry #6 - Networking Questions

Wrapping my head around the whole idea of networks, servers, and clients has been pretty tough for me. I understand peer-to-peer connections, where the users just send the data back and forth. I also understand the concept of a server on a theoretical level, where both users are 'clients' and send data to a server that then pushes only the required data back to the clients. I also get that it's smart to only send absolutely required data back and forth, since the more data you have to parse the more likely it is there will be unclean data.

I just don't really understand it on a practical level. I'm having trouble forming my thoughts into actual questions, but putting the whole thing together seems to be eluding. I think I just need to read up a lot more on servers and how everything works and really seem some code in action that can break everything down.

For my game, it wouldn't be hard to scale it for more players. I would just have to change the variable that restricts the maximum number of players to a higher number. That many players would have trouble fitting on the screen, but they would be there. The game itself would be unplayable, but the server can already theoretically handle that many players.